The time to play with cars has come. Of course, you may not be able to play bump cars with real cars because of the kinds of damage that can happen to you, to your car, to the other person and to the other person's car. The damage can also happen to other people who may be in the vicinity of your bumper car games. And that is why this does not happen with real cars.
But if you do love the feel of bumping into other cars and the need for competition, you can bring bumper cars right into your own home. You do not need a lot of space, if that is what you are thinking since each unit can take up a huge deal. But this is actually about the Battling Bumper Cars game and it is definitely going to mean hours of fun for you, your friends and your family.
So what happens with Battling Bumper Cars in Well, you get to choose just which cheapest bumper car you want to operate. When you have chosen, you take hold of the remote control for that unit and you start off working your skills on it. The name of the game is not get hit because if you get hit 25 times, you lose. The bumper car unit gets disabled. There are sensors on the units so you cannot say that you have been cheated when what you are driving suddenly stops.
The package, when you buy Battling Bumper Cars, comes with only two units. That may sound like a really bad bumper car game since only two will play but you can purchase another package of the same game and put them all together to let more players join you. And that means more bumping madness!
The remote controls that come with the package are definitely your kind of control. See, they allow you to make your bumper car with electric power move to the left or to the right easily. It also allows you to move your unit forward or backward without much hassle. So you really get to feel as if you are driving a real vehicle and not just a small one.
You will need AA batteries for this one just like most games we have. You will be using that for each car and for each remote control. Then you can start playing Battling Bumper Cars.
Paula James is a 25-year-old online marketing executive at Gadget Epoint. The love for gadgets runs through her veins having grown up with a father who is into gadgets himself.
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